Rule and Expectations


During the semester you will be expected to obey the following rules.  Remember that rules are intended to be fair to everyone and to aid in making the class run more smoothly.  Your cooperation is appreciated.


1.                 Be prepared when the bell rings.  Be seated in your desk and have all class materials with you.  This includes pen/pencil, notebook, novel, textbooks, and any other materials handed out for the unit being studied.

2.        Remain on task.  You will be required to work on the English assignment at hand.

3.                 Be respectful of everyone in the classroom.  Name calling, belittling, hitting, etc., will not be tolerated.  Respect is very important in order for all of us to work to the best of our abilities.

4.                 You will be held accountable for all deadlines of assignments.

5.       You will be required to follow all of the computer rules as well as the student code of conduct as outlined in the student handbook.

6.       Laptops will only be used when instructed to do so.

7.       Food and beverage will be allowed away from the computers.

7.       The teacher will dismiss you each day when everyone is seated.  Do not stand by the door and wait for the  bell to ring.


We will be following the Boys Town model for behavior.  If, after following those guidelines the problem still exists, you will be referred to ISS.  After serving ISS, detention must be served before returning to the classroom.  Other deterrents will be student/teacher conferences, parent/guardian contact, or office referral.

